Birds in Balcones!
We recently had the privilege of hosting guests at Casa Francesca that were avid birders! Noel and June spent three weeks in the community photographing and documenting the birds that were present in Balcones de Majagual during the months of February and March and they were kind enough to supply us with a list of the birds the noted during their stay! Let's see which ones you can spot while you are here! Thank so much Noel and June!
Brown Pelican Neotropic Cormorant Magnigicent Frigatebird Cattle Egret Great Egret Snowy Egret White Ibis Black Vulture Turkey Vulture Common/Mangrove Black-Hawk Crested Caracara White-winged Dove Ruddy Ground Dove Inca Dove Short-billed Pigeon Rock Dove Elegant Tern Laughing Gull Orange-fronted Parakeet White-fronted Parrot Orange-chinned Parakeet Squirrel Cuckoo Grove-billed Ani Pacific Screech-Owl Costa Rican Pygmy-Owl Stripe-throated Hermit Cinnamon Hummingbird Black-headed Trogon Elegant Trogon Turquoise-browed Motmot White-necked Puffbird Collared Aracari Hoffmann’s Woodpecker Western Wood-Pewee Great-creasted Flycatcher Brown-crested Flycatcher Great Kiskadee Social Flycatcher Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher Tropical Kingbird Masked Tityra White-throated Magpie Jay Barn Swallow Mangrove Swallow Rufous-naped Wren Banded Wren Clay-colored Robin Yellow Warbler Stripe-headed Sparrow Melodious Blackbird Great-tailed Grackle Streak-backed Oriole